Dry eyes are a very common problem among adults, with millions currently suffering from the condition. Thankfully, Dr. Edwin Schottenstein is an experienced Chelsea and Upper West Side eye doctor who offers a variety of dry eye treatment options, including:
Dr. Schottenstein will perform an examination and recommend the procedure that he thinks will be best for your individual situation.
LipiFlow is a revolutionary procedure that has been shown to provide impressive results for those with dry eye
syndrome. In fact, 79% of patients who receive LipiFlow treatment during a clinical study reported an overall
improvement in their dry eye symptoms. During LipiFlow treatment, carefully controlled heat and gentle,
intermittent pressure is applied to the inner eyelid. This heat and pressure helps to safely release blockages in the
Meibomian glands so that natural lubricating lipids from the glands can be released into the eye.
The procedure is minimally painful and does not cause damage to the delicate eye structures.
When the Meibomian glands no longer secrete natural oils due to a blockage or swelling, dry eye syndrome is typically the result. A procedure called Meibomian Gland Canalization may be recommended in order to treat the problem at its source. During this surgical procedure, Dr. Schottenstein carefully inserts a canal into the affected Meibomian gland so that it can function properly and keep the eye moist.
Puncta are very small openings located in the corners of your eyelids. Their job is to help tears drain from the eyes at a normal pace. However, in some cases the puncta cause the tears to drain too rapidly and leave the eyes feeling dry. Punctual Occlusion is a procedure that involves plugging the puncta so that they drain more slowly.
As a trusted NYC ophthalmologist, Dr. Schottenstein looks forward to helping relieve your dry eye symptoms. To
schedule your appointment, call our practice at (212) 874-2300 or fill out the convenient online form.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!