Dr. Schottenstein and his team are always striving to provide the best ophthalmic care in a comfortable, friendly environment for all of our patients. We understand how important maintaining proper eye care is, and we want you to have as much information as possible to make an informed decision about the treatment and procedures that
are right for you. One of our most common conditions that we assist our patients with is glaucoma, and knowing what glaucoma is and the best way to combat it is the first step in treating it.
As one of the most common diseases in ophthalmologic patients with diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is an eye
disease that damages the blood vessels in the retina. It usually affects both eyes. Both patients with
Type I or Type II diabetes are at risk for this disease.
There are no common, exclusive symptoms that set diabetic retinopathy apart from other eye diseases in the early stages. Typically, as it sets in, diabetic retinopathy will cause retinal swelling due to the leakage of fluid from the retinal blood vessels. This will cause blurred vision and / or distortion.
Further, displacement of receptors within the retina can cause objects to appear small, abnormally large, blurry or distorted. If you suddenly begin to experience blurry vision, “floaters” or “floating spots” in your vision, contact Dr. Schottenstein immediately. It is important to diagnose the potential problem as soon as possible.
If left untreated, proliferative diabetic retinopathy will be more likely to cause severe vision loss and even blindness. The earlier you receive treatment, the more likely it will produce an effective result.
Now that we’ve determined some symptoms to look out for, it’s time to discuss the stages
diabetic retinopathy manifests itself. There are four stages of diabetic retinopathy:
Typically, we can spot diabetic retinopathy in the early stages during a routine eye exam. That’s why if you have diabetes, it is extremely important that you maintain regular visits to your ophthalmologist to ensure both eye health and overall health.
Dr. Schottenstein closely observes and monitors the eyes for leaking blood vessels and other symptoms and signs associated with diabetic retinopathy. If a patient is in the final stage, Proliferative Retinopathy, laser treatments can be used to help shrink the fragile blood vessels. This treatment can help preserve any remaining sight.
Diabetic patients can prevent this disease by maintaining great overall health. Patients must carefully monitor their blood sugar levels, blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. The most important factor, however, especially in terms of vision loss and diabetes, is maintaining a healthy blood sugar level at all times.
There are no known cures for diabetic retinopathy. Since diabetes affects the entire body, the blood vessels in the retina are susceptible to the disease by its nature. The best measures to take are preventative. As discussed above, blood sugar control is the number one way to combat the disease, along with regular exercise. Keeping your diabetes in check will keep diabetic retinopathy in check, too!
Dr. Schottenstein is the right choice for many reasons. First and foremost, he is a specialist in diabetic eye care and can provide expert treatments and guidance in dealing with glaucoma, cataracts or diabetic retinopathy if your diabetes causes any of those diseases to set in. Beyond that, his Upper West Side, New York City office is equipped with the most state-of-the-art technology to assist in delivering optimal care for patients.
Through utilizing digital photography, intravenous fluorescein angiography, optical coherence tomography,
ultrasound technology, intraocular lenses and Yag Laser Technology, we are equipped to treat any eye disease
effectively. Dr. Schottensteins years of experience and knowledge provide our patients with the best care possible.
If you live or work near the Upper West Side or Chelsea, New York City our office is conveniently located for your
treatments. Contact us today with any questions or to schedule you ophthalmology appointment!